Givzey’s LOI features elevate the donor experience while decreasing the time to close future gift intentions from DAFs and family foundations.

As nonprofit fundraising’s first and only Gift Agreement Platform, Givzey is committed to revolutionizing the donor experience. That's why we're excited to release our Letter of Intent (LOI) digital gift agreements. The new LOI features in Givzey are live and ready for all users to confirm and document gift intentions immediately.
“Delivering amazing donor experiences should be the top priority for all fundraisers. But the processes we’ve come to know and use for documenting and confirming gifts aren’t donor-centric and don’t meet fundraising’s needs. Every gift should have proper documentation, however, paper processes, DocuSign, and other current solutions aren’t right for confirming a $5,000 gift scheduled to be made at the end of the fiscal year." – Adam Martel, CEO, Givzey
Givzey invented digital LOIs to ensure confirming and documenting multi-year and future gift intentions, whether stock DAFs, grants from family foundations, or otherwise are on-brand, donor-centric, personalized, and appropriate for the needs of fundraising today.
For example, DAF giving has increased by 400% in the last decade, amounting to $52.16 billion, according to the National Philanthropic Trust. However, documenting multi-year gifts that a donor intends to fulfill through DAF or family foundation grants is difficult. Neither can be booked as pledges. With their skyrocketing popularity, finding a solution to document DAF intentions that appeases both donors’ and nonprofits’ accounting needs is a priority.
Givzey’s digital LOIs ensure proper documentation in a first-of-its-kind fundraising solution that makes DAF giving warm and donor-centric, on-brand for organizations, personalized for fundraisers, and automated for advancement operations professionals. Best of all, with the average DAF grant at just $5k, Givzey’s digital LOIs scale to all levels of giving.
Key Features of Givzey's Digital LOI Solution Include:
Distinct and differentiated language for accurate gift processing
A donor experience and functionality similar to a digital pledge
Unique payment reminders specific to cash, stocks, DAFs, grants from family foundations, and more
Customized templates with nuanced language and editable fields
Automated nudge sequences and reminder timing
In addition to elevating world-class donor experiences, organizations also see gifts close faster with Givzey’s solutions. Givzey customers are able to track a new fundraising metric, Time to Close. With Givzey, customers see 72% of gifts confirmed within 24 hours of sending, and 92% of gifts confirmed within seven days.
Revolutionize your donor experience and confirm DAF gifts in record time with Givzey. Schedule a Givzey demo here.