Multi-year gift agreements are one of the best ways to grow your nonprofit’s major gift and planned gift pipelines through sustainable, predictable, and donor-centric practices.
While Givzey’s Multi-Year Giving Playbook for Fundraising Leaders gives a strong overview on how development professionals can apply multi-year giving strategies to donors at all levels of giving, this edition of the playbook will focus on capital campaigns specifically.

Capital campaigns are a common and natural context for the deployment of multi-year gift agreements.
Outside of your major gift program, a capital campaign may be the only time when you’ll find yourself soliciting five, six and even seven-figure gifts. Not only do capital campaigns provide donors a significant and often-tangible opportunity to make an impact, multi-year pledges and payment plans ease the donor’s financial burden for making such transformational gifts.
Just like any element of a capital campaign, a thoughtful strategy well-executed will mean the difference between success and failure.